Saturday, January 24, 2009

The World's View

I just discovered that we get the Al Jazeera - english version television channel. Right now a man from Pakistan's government is speaking. It's good to hear the world's view. It will be interesting for me to hear Obama's first months in office through international voices.

Last night I had a disasterous cooking experience. Walker and I decided pasta would be good for dinner. I had a can of domates salçası, which I assumed to be tomato sauce, but was actually tomato paste. I've never made spaghetti sauce from scratch, and wasn't sure if tomato paste was the main ingredient in tomato sauce. I added a fresh tomato, some water, pepper, and thyme; those being the only spices we had on hand. The result was not too good; very bitter. Unfortunately I had already piled our plates of pasta high with the sauce. We ate as much as we could and then turned to bread with Nutella for dinner. I think I will stick to pasta with butter and salt, like I used to always eat when I was younger.

I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on TV last night until I fell asleep on the couch.

In the next few days before Walker heads back home we are going to try to see the rest of the Istanbul sights. We're planning to visit Prince's Islands, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Basillica Cistern, Grand Bazaar and Egyptian Spice Bazaar. Maybe the trendy shopping malls north of here as well.


  1. You need to add water to tomato paste. I use egual amounts and then you need to add the equivalent of what we call tomato sauce -- roughly one/third paste and water and two thirds tomato sauce. Of course first you have to figure out if you can get canned sauce. Combine those ingredients with your seasonings and bring to a boil and then let simmer for 30 minutes. That is basic sauce.

  2. A little sugar is usually added when tomato paste is used to curb the bitterness.
